Instant Embedded Calculator


User Variables

Defined by clicking Edit Settings, the user-entered inputs can be used in the Amount column and also rules. Make sure to define user variable names using only letters and numbers (no spaces/symbols). When using, put variable name in square brackets. Example: if a variable name is defined as CreditHr and you want to set an amount to number of credit hour multiplied by 100, then put [CreditHr]*100.


Objects are used to retrieve values or set values of a credit/debit item. Each object have following functions depending on type of object.
Single Item Dropdown Open Input Checkbox
Get value of Amount
Get value of Amount
Get value of Amount
Get value of Amount
Set value of Amount
(only use in custom-coded rules)
Set value of Amount
(only use in custom-coded rules)
Set value of Amount
(only use in custom-coded rules)
Set value of Amount
(only use in custom-coded rules)
Returns value of current dropdown selection
(can be used in Amount field only if returned value is numeric)
Returns true/false if checkbox is checked
(only use in custom-coded rules)

Self Variable (Rules)

When creating regular rules (not custom-coded), the Amount field can use it self in a calculation by using [THIS].
For example, when conditions are met and you want to half the amount of a credit/debit, put [THIS]/2

Other Available Variables (Rules)

Following variables can be used in regular or custom rules as long as they are used in the order calculations are processed.
  • [DebitTotal].getvalue
  • [DebitTotal].setvalue
  • [CreditTotal].getvalue
  • [CreditTotal].setvalue
  • [BalanceTotal].getvalue
  • [BalanceTotal].setvalue

Custom Coded Rules

Create rules using combindation of pseudo-codes and javascript. For advanced users.

Adding Notes (Custom Coded Rules)

Notes can be added as subscripts under the total, or "Estimated Balance" row. In a custom-coded rule, use the note() function. Example: note("hello world");